1. Akpom, C. A., Katz, S., and Densen, P. M., ?Methods of Classifying Disability and Severity of Illness in Ambulatory Care Patients?, Medical Care 11, No. 2 (1973), Supplement, 125?131.
2. Andrews, F. M. and Withey, S. B., ?Developing Measures of Perceived Life Quality: Results from Several National Surveys?, for presentation to the Annual Convention of the American Sociological Association, New York City, August 1973 (mimeographed).
3. Barton, W. E., ?Viewpoint of a Clinician?, in M.Jahoda, (ed.), Current Concepts of Positive Mental Health, Basic Books, New York, 1958.
4. Bauer, R. (ed.), Social Indicators, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1966.
5. Bergner, M., presentation before Seminar on Sociomedical Health Indicators, Columbia University, 13 April 1973, on the Sickness Impact Profile being developed at the University of Washington, Department of Health Services, in cooperation with the Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound.