1. M.L. Swartz: SLAC-PUB-4656, (1988), Stanford; M. Ikeda, S. Minami, Y. Uranishi: Prog. Theor. Phys. 100 (1978) 495
2. E.A. Kuraev, M. Yu. Lel'chuk, S. Panin, Yu. P. Persun'ko: Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 32 (1980) 548; K. Wadan: Dissertation, University Munich (1983); T. Anders, W. Jachmann, H. Salecker, K. Wadan: Old and new questions in physics, cosmology, philosophy, and theoretical biology. Essays in honor of Wolfgang Yourgrau, A. van der Merwe (ed.), 411 New York: Plenum Press 1983; W. Hollik: Phys. Lett. 123B (1983) 259
3. Jr. L. L. DeRaad, Y.J. Ng: Phys. Rev. D10 (1974) 3440; E.W. Sell: Strahlungskorrekturen zur Streuung von polarisierten Elektronen und Positronen, Dissertation, University Munich (1991)
4. D.G. Crapp et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 64 (1990) 2627; 65 (1990) 3241; (further literature about experiments there); A.O. Barut, T.B. Anders, W. Jachmann: Internal Report IC/92/96, Trieste, June 1992
5. W. Bauer: Determination of the polarization of scattered electrons at high energies, Dissertation, University Munich (1986);