1. Ginsberg, J. H., E. C. Ting and J. Genin, AIAA 11 (1973) 980.
2. Walker, W. H. and A. S. Veletsos, Response of Simple-Span Highway Bridges to Moving Vehicles, Univ. of Illinois, Eng. Exp. Station, Bulletin 486, 63 No. 140, July 18, 1966.
3. Chiu, W. S., R. G. Smith and D. N. Wormley, Influence of Vehicle and Distributed Guideway Parameters on High Speed Vehicle-Guideway Dynamic Interaction, Transp. Eng. Conf., ASME, Chicago, Ill. Oct. 11?14, 1970.
4. Wilson, J. F. and S. B. Biggers, Dynamic Interactions Between Long, High Speed Trains of Air Cusion Vehicles and Their Guideways, Transp. Eng. Conf. ASME, Chicago, Ill., Oct. 11?14, 1970.
5. Keeping Track of Japan's High Speed Passenger Trains, Electronics, 42 No. 124, May 1969.