1. Wild, H., 1945. Life-history and parasitology of Bremia lactucae on cultivated lettuce. Ph.D. Thesis. Imperial College London.
2. Wild, H., 1946. Upright Star-bur (Acanthospermum hispidum D.C.): A new method of control. Rhod. Agr. J. 43: 585?589.
3. Wild, H., 1947. Downy Mildew disease of the cultivated lettuce. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 31: 112?125.
4. Wild, H., 1947. The Eastern Districts Senecio problem. Rhod. Agr. J. 44: 164?171.
5. Wild, H., 1948. A suggestion for the control of Tobacco Witchweed (Striga gesneroides (Willd.) Vatke) by Leguminous trap crops. Rhod. Agr. J. 45: 208?215.