Büttcher Stefan,Clarke Charles L. A.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference14 articles.
1. Büttcher, S., Clarke, C.L.A.: Indexing Time vs. Query Time Trade-offs in Dynamic Information Retrieval Systems. In: Proc. of the 14th ACM Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2005), Bremen, Germany (2005)
2. Büttcher, S., Clarke, C.L.A.: Memory Management Strategies for Single-Pass Index Construction in Text Retrieval Systems. UW-TR-CS-2005-32. Technical report, University of Waterloo, Canada (October 2005)
3. Clarke, C., Craswell, N., Soboroff, I.: The TREC Terabyte Retrieval Track. SIGIR Forum 39(1), 25 (2005)
4. Cutting, D.R., Pedersen, J.O.: Optimization for Dynamic Inverted Index Maintenance. In: Proceedings of the 13th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 1990), pp. 405–411. ACM Press, New York (1990)
5. Heinz, S., Zobel, J.: Efficient Single-Pass Index Construction for Text Databases. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 54(8), 713–729 (2003)
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