1. I.I. Gurevich, E.A. Mel'eshko, I.A. Muratova, B.A. Nikol'sky, V.S. Roganov, V.I. Selivanov, and B.V. Sokolov, Phys. Lett.40A, 143 (1972).
2. W.B. Gauster, A.T. Fiory, K.G. Lynn, W.J. Kossler, D.M. Parkin, C.E. Stronach, and W.F. Lankford,Proceedings of the International Conference on the Properties of Atomic Defects in Metals, Argonne, IL. 1976, to be published.
3. For a general review of ? SR see A. Schenck, inNuclear and Particle Physics at Intermediate Energies, ed. J.B. Warren (Plenum, 1976).
4. J.H. Brewer, K.M. Crowe, F.N. Gygax and A. Schenck, Muon Physics Vol. III ed. V.W. Hughes, and C.S. Wu (Academic Press, 1975).
5. V.G. Grebinnick, I.I. Gurevich, V.A. Zhukov, A.P. Manyck, E.A. Meleshko, I.A. Muratova, B.A. Nikol'skii, V.I. Selivanov, and V.A. Suetin, Zh, Eksp. Teor. Fiz.68 1548 (1976) [Soviet Phys.-JETP41, 777 (1976)].