1. Andruskiewitsch, N.: On pointed Hopf algebras over nilpotent groups; Israel J. Math., to appear
2. Andruskiewitsch, N., Angiono, I.: On Nichols algebras with generic braiding. In: Brzezinski et al. (eds.) Modules and Comodules, pp. 47–64. Birkhäuser, Basel
3. Andruskiewitsch, N., Angiono, I., Heckenberger, I.: On finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras over abelian groups. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 271, 1329 (2021)
4. Andruskiewitsch, N., Angiono, I., Moya Giusti, M.: Rank 4 Nichols algebras of pale braidings. arXiv:2108.02608
5. Andruskiewitsch, N., Dumas, F., Peña Pollastri, H.: On the double of the Jordan plane. Ark. Mat., to appear