1. A. I. van de Vooren and D. Dijkstra, The Navier-Stokes solution for laminar flow past a semi-infinite flat plate,J. Eng. Math., 4 (1970) 9?27.
2. E. F. F. Botta and D. Dijkstra, An improved numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for laminar flow past a semi-infinite flat plate,Report TW-80, Dept. of Math., University of Groningen.
3. M. D. Van Dyke, Higher approximations in boundary layer theory. Part 3. Parabola in uniform stream.J. Fluid Mech. 19 (1964) 145?159.
4. A. M. O. Smith and D. W. Clutter, Solution of the incompressible laminar boundary layer equations,Douglas Aircraft Corp. Engng. Papers 1525 (1963).
5. R. T. Davis, Numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations for laminar incompressible flow past a parabola. Submitted to theJournal of Fluid Mechanics.