1. Bačkovský J.M.: Introduction. čs.čas.fys. 1 (1951) No.l, 1–2; Czech.J.Phys. 1 (1952) No.1, 1–2.
2. Editorial: On some problems of our physics journal (in Czech). Cs.čas.fys. 5 (1955) No.4, 363–366.
3. Subject and Author Index, Vols. 1 (1952) — 10 (1960), compiled by M. Silverio. Czech.J.Phys. B11 (1961) No.1, 1–73.
4. Keenan S., Atherton P.: The journal literature of physics — A comprehensive study based on Physics Abstracts 1961 issues. American Institute of Physics, New York, 1964, p.16–40, 53, 70, 88.
5. Pátek K.: World physics literature in figures and our position in it (in Czech). Pokroky mat.fys.astr. 10 (1965) No.4, 187–192.