1. L. Allikmets, Zh. Nevropatol. i Psikhiatr.,64, 1241 (1964).
2. A. V. Val'dman, in: Investigations of the Pharmacology of the Reticular Formation and Synaptic Transmission [in Russian], Leningrad (1961), p. 11.
3. A. V. Val'dman, in: Current Problems in the Pharmacology of the Reticular Formation and Synaptic Transmission [in Russian], Leningrad (1963), p. 9.
4. V. V. Zakusov, Pharmacology of the Nervous System [in Russian], (1953).
5. V. V. Zakusov, The Pharmacology of Synaptic Transmission, Paper read at the 26th Session of the General Assembly of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR [in Russian], Moscow (1968).