1. Indicates key paper38Fal: M. Fallot, “The Alloys of Iron with Metals of the Platinum Family”,Ann. Phys., 10, 291–332 (1938) in French. (Crys Structure, Magnetism; Experimental)
2. Indicates key paper39Fal: M. Fallot and R. Hocart, “On the Appearance of Ferromagnetism upon Elevation of the Temperature of Iron and Rhodium”,Rev. Sci., 8, 498–499 (1939) in French. (Magnetism; Experimental)
3. 58Gib: W. S. Gibson and W. Hume-Rothery, “The Constitution of Alloys of Iron with Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, and Silver”,J. Iron Steel Inst., 243, 243–250 (1958). (Experimental)
4. 61Ber: F. de Bergevin and L. Muldawer, “Crystallographic Study of an Iron-Rhodium Alloy”,C. R. Acad. Sci., 252, 1347–1349 (1961) in French. (Crys Structure; Experimental)
5. 61Mul: L. Muldawer and F. de Bergevin, “Antiferromagnetic-Ferromagnetic Transformation in FeRh”,J. Chem. Phys., 35, 1904–1905 (1961). (Crys Structure, Magnetism; Experimental)