1. P. F. Checcacci andM. Schaffner:Radar for research on meteor burst propagation. Final Report of Contract AF 61 (052)-44 (Centro Microonde), February 1959.
2. P. F. Checcacci andM. Schaffner:Observations on the Quadrantid shower, Techn. Note No. 5, Contract AF 61 (052)-227, (Centro Microonde), March 1960.
3. N. Carrara, P. F. Checcacci, A. Consortini andL. Ronchi:Volume density of radio echoes from meteor trails, Techn. Note No. 3, Contract AF 61 (052)-227, (Centro Microonde), October 1959.
4. N. Carrara, P. F. Checcacci andL. Ronchi:Proc. I.R.E.,48, 2031 (1960).
5. N. Carrara, P. F. Checcacci, A. Consortini andL. Ronchi:Alta Frequenza,29, 615 (1960).