1. E. A. EVANS, Tritium and Its Compounds. London, Butterworth, 1974, p. 318 (the last edition).
2. E. A. EVANS, H. C. SHAPPARD, I. C. TURNER, J. Labelled Comp., 10 (1974) 569.
3. N. F. MYASOEDOV, N. S. MARCHENCOV, K. S. MIKHAIOV, Organic Compounds Labelled by Radioisotopes, Prague, CKAE, 1977, p. 275.
4. Yu. A. ZOLOTAREV, V. S. KOZIK, D. A. ZAITSEV, E. M. DOROKHOVA, N. F. MYASOEDOV, Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 308 (1989) 1146 (in Russian).
5. D. A. ZAITSEV, Yu. A. ZOLOTAREV, N. F. MYASOEDOV, Proc. 3rd Intern. Symp. on Synthesis and Applications of Isotopically Labelled Compounds, T. A. BAILLIE, J. R. JONES (Eds), Elsevier, 1989, p. 509.