1. L. M. Brown andM. Peshkin:Phys. Rev.,107, 272 (1957);R. H. Dalitz:Proc. of the Phys. Soc. (London, 1957); 8 Lectures onThe Strong Interactions of Strange Particles (Brookhaven, 1957).
2. E. J. Burge, J. H. Davies, I. J. Van Heerden andD. J. Prowse:Nuovo Cimento,5, 1005 (1957).
3. Essentially the same selection criteria for non-mesonic hyperfragments as described inJ. Schneps:Thesis (University of Wisconsin) was used in this work.
4. Manufactured by:A. A. G. Flury:Prazisions-Apparatebau (Grenchen, Switzerland).
5. As inW. E. Slater:Thesis (University of Chicago), we assume throughout our present work, the valueQ A=(37.22 ± 0.2) MeV which is a weighted average of the U.C.R.L. value of (37.45 ± 0.17) MeV and the Bristol value of (36.9 ± 0.2) MeV.