1. Born, S. M., S. A. Smith, and D. A. Stephenson. 1974. The hydrogeologic regime of glacial-terrain lakes, with management and planning applications. Inland Lake Renewal and Management Demonstration Project. Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission, Madison. 73 pp.
2. Born, S. M., and D. A. Stephenson. 1974. Environmental geologic aspects of planning, constructing, and regulating recreational land developments. Inland Lake Renewal and Management Demonstration Project. Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission, Madison. 39 pp.
3. Bullard, W. E. 1974. Water related land use planning guidelines. Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin, Washington, D.C. 32 pp.
4. Curtis, V. 1974. Land use and the environment. Environmental Studies Division, Office of Research and Monitoring, Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. 200 pp.
5. Department of Regional Economic Expansion. 1970. The Canada land inventory: objectives, scope and organization. Report No. 1, Lands Directorate, Environment Canada, Ottawa. 61 pp.