1. I.N. Maslenitsky, “The Autoclave-Soda Process for the Treatment of Tungsten Concentrate,” Tsvetnye Metall., vol. 4–5 (1939), pp. 140–143; Chemical Abstracts, vol. 34 (1940), p. 352.
2. P.M. Perlov, “Interaction of Calcium Tungstate with a Sodium Carbonate Solution in the Autoclave Process,” Obogash. Rud, 3, No. 1 (1958), pp. 25–34; Chemical Abstracts, vol. 53 (1959), p. 5602e.
3. N.N. Maslenitsky and P.M. Perlov, “Development of the Autoclave-Soda Process for the Treatment of Tungsten Concentrate,” International Mineral Processing Congress, London (1960), pp. 839–854.
4. P.B. Queneau, D.K. Huggins and L.W. Beckstead, Extractive Metallurgy of Refractory Metals, H.Y. Sohn, O.N. Carlson and J.T. Smith, eds., TMS (1981), pp. 237–267.
5. P.B. Queneau and S.R.B. Cooke, “The Kinetics of the Dissolution of Scheelite in Alkaline Aqueous Solution,” Trans. AIME, vol. 245 (1969), pp. 2451–2459.