1. H.E. Hirsch and G.H. Laurie, “Some Advanced Uses of Germanium and Gallium,” Report at the SME Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, (March 1986).
2. Firoze E. Katrak. and Jay C. Agarwal, “Gallium: Long-Run Supply,” J. of Metals, (September 1981), pp. 33–36.
3. Thomas C. Wilder and Firoze E. Katrak, “Overview of Current Processes for the Extraction of Gallium,” Report at the 111th AIME Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, (Oct. 1982).
4. A. Leveque and J. Helgorsky, “The Recovery of Gallium from Bayer Process Aluminate Solutions by Liquid-Liquid Extraction,” Proc. Inter. Solvent Extraction Conf. (1977), Toronto, CIM Spec. vol. 21, 2 (1979) pp. 439–442.
5. J. Helgorsky and A. Leveque, Ger. Patent 2,530,880 (1976); Fr. Patent 2,307,047 (1976); Ger. Patent 2,743,475 (1976); Fr. Patent 2,397,464 (1979).