1. 40 CFR: 1985, Ch. 1, ?Air Pollution Control; Regulation of Polycyclic Organic Matter Under the Clean Air Act; Proposed Rule?,Federal Register, February 13, 5579?5583.
2. 40 CFR: 1985, Part 60, ?Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources; Residential Wood Combustion; Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking?,Federal Register, August 2, 31503?31506.
3. 40 CFR: 1988, Part 60, ?Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources; New Residential Wood Heaters?,Federal Register, February 26, 5860?5926.
4. Compilation of Air Pollution Emission Factors: 1990, Volume I: ?Stationary Point and Area Sources?, AP-42, Supplement C (GPO 055-000-00369-6), September.
5. Burnet, P.G.: 1987, ?The Northeast Cooperative Woodstove Study?, Volume I, EPA-600/7-87-026a, and Volume II ? Technical Appendix, EPA-600/7-87-026b (NTIS PB88-140769 and-140777, respectively), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, November.