1. A. Cohn. The equivalence of two semantic definitions: a case study in LCF. Technical Report CSR-76-81, Department of Computer Science, Edinburgh University, January 1981.
2. P. Curzon. Deriving correctness properties of compiled code. Formal Methods in System Design, 3(1/2):83–115, August 1993.
3. D.R. Lester. The G-machine as a representation of stack semantics. In G. Kahn, editor, Proceedings of the Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture Conference, pages 46–59. Springer-Verlag LNCS 274, September 1987.
4. D.R. Lester. Combinator Graph Reduction: A Congruence and its Applications. Dphil thesis, Oxford University, 1988. Also published as Technical Monograph PRG-73.
5. R.E. Milne. The Formal Semantics of Computer Languages and Their Implementation. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, 1974.