1. Abadi M., Lamport L.: An old-fashioned recipe for real time. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 16(5), 1543–1571 (1994)
2. J. L. Kelley, General Topology. The Univesity Series in Higher Mathematics, D. Van Nostrand Company, Princeton, NJ, 1995.
3. L. Lamport, TLA—temporal logic of actions. A web page, a link to which can be found at URL http://lamport.org . The page can also be found by searching the Web for the 21-letter string formed by concatenating uid and lamporttlahomepage.
4. L. Lamport, Useful LaTeX packages. http://research.microsoft.com/enus/um/people/lamport/latex/latex.html . The page can also be found by searching the Web for the 23-letter string formed by concatenating uid and lamportlatexpackages.
5. L. Lamport, How to write a proof. In: Global Analysis in Modern Mathematics, pp. 311–321. Publish or Perish, Houston, Texas, 1993. A symposium in honor of Richard Palais’ sixtieth birthday. Also published in Amer. Math. Monthly 102 (1995), no. 7, 600–608.