1. A. Ya. Alymov and L. N. Fontalin, In the Book: Modern Problems of Nervism in Physiology and Pathology [in Russian], Moscow (1958), p. 506.
2. E. F. Vakarina, Localization of Antigen and Antibodies in the Organism of Animals after the Injection of Typhoid Vaccine. Author's abstract of Candidate's Dissertation, Moscow (1957).
3. G. A. Gurvich and G. V. Shumakova, Vestn. AMN SSSR, 1, 57, (1960).
4. Ya. L. Rapoport, Arkh. pat.,2, 3 (1957).
5. L. N. Fontalin, Byull. éksper. biol., 10, 100 (1957).