1. M. Sh. Verbitskii, Summary reports of the conference of the Institute of Experimental Biology, AMN SSSR, devoted to a summary of the work of the Embryogenesis Immunology Laboratory over 10 years (1953–1963) [in Russian], Moscow, (1963), pps. 2–9.
2. M. Sh. Verbitskii, Akush. i gin., No. 3, (1964), p. 49.
3. L. S. Volkova, The Problem of Immunological Interactions of Mother and Fetus [in Russian], Diss. kand. Moscow, (1955).
4. L. S. Volkova and M. Sh. Verbitskii, Summary reports of the 4th Conference of Embryologists [in Russian], Leningrad, (1963), p. 224.
5. A. A. Vorontsov, Significance of Isoantigenic Incompatibility of Blood in Miscarriage and Stillbirth [in Russian], Diss. kand. Khar'kov, (1953).