1. J.D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, John Wiley and Sons, New York 1975, Sect. 9.1.
2. E. Karantzoulis, An overview on Impedance Measuring Methods for Accelerators, Sincrotrone Trieste, ST/M-91/1, January 1991.
3. S.A. Heifets and S.A. Kheifets, Coupling Impedance in Modern Accelerators, SLAC-PUB-5297, Sept. 1990.
4. L. Palumbo and V.G. Vaccaro, Wake Fields Measurements, Joint US-CERN School on Particle Accelerators, Lecture Notes in Physics, No. 343, Springer-Verlag, 1988.
5. R.L. Gluckstern and R. Li, Analysis of Coaxial Wire Measurement of Longitudinal Coupling Impedance, 4th Int. Conf. On High-Energy Accelerators, KEK, Japan, 1990.