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2. Jonas Barklund and Hakan Millroth. Integrating complex data structures in Prolog. In Symposium on Logic Programming, pages 415–425, San Francisco, August 1987. IEEE Computer Society.
3. Steffan Bonnier and Jan Małuszyński. Towards a clean amalgamation of logic programs with external procedures. In Robert A. Kowalski and Kenneth A. Bowen, editors, Logic Programming: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference and Symposium, pages 311–326, Seattle, 1988. MIT Press.
4. Staffan Bonnier. Unification in incompletely specified theories: a case study. In A. Tarlecki, editor, Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1991, pages 84–92. Springer-Verlag, 1991. LNCS 520.
5. Staffan Bonnier. A Formal Basis for Horn Clause Logic with External Polymorphic Functions. PhD thesis, Linköping University, 1992. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, Dissertation No. 276.