1. Translations of Mathematical Monographs;A.D. Aleksandrov,1967
2. L.A. Santalo', Introduction to Integral Geometry, (Actualités Sci. et Industr. 1198), Paris (1953).
3. V.K. Ionin, ?On a disk imbedded in a multiply connected domain? [in Russian], Trudy Tomskogo Gos. Un-ta,169, 8?12 (1963).
4. A.D. Aleksandrov and V.V. Strel'tsov, The Isoperimetric Problem and an Estimate of the Length of a Curve on a Surface: Two-Dimensional Manifolds of Bounded Curvature [in Russian], Trudy Matem. In-ta Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vol. 66 (1965), Ch. II.
5. G.E. Shilov, Mathematical Analysis, (Internat. Ser. of Monogr. in Pure and Applied Math., Vol. 77), Pergamon, Oxford (1965).