1. Schill Frantisek, Foam Glass (Production and Applications) [Russian translation], Izd. Lit. po Stroitel’stvu, Moscow (1963).
2. B. K. Demidovich, Foam Glass [in Russian], Nauka i Tekhnika, Minsk (1975).
3. V. V. Samoilenko and O. S. Tatarintseva, “Role of recipe and technological factors in foam glass formation,” Steklo Keram., No. 6, 3 – 5 (2013); V. V. Samoilenko and O. S. Tatarintseva, “Role of recipe and technological factors in foam glass formation,” Glass Ceram., 70(5 – 6), 205 – 207 (2013).
4. V. V. Samoilenko, T. K. Uglova, and O. S. Tatarintseva, “Effect of the dispersity of glass batch on the structure and properties of foam glass,” Steklo Keram., No. 6, 3 – 6 (2014); V. V. Samoilenko, T. K. Uglova, and O. S. Tatarintseva, “Effect of the dispersity of glass batch on the structure and properties of foam glass,” Glass Ceram., 71(5 – 6), 185 – 188 (2014).