1. Anthony, R.: The cultivation of the turbot. Proc. 4th int. Fish. Congr., Washington, 1908. Bull. Bur. Fish., Wash. 28 (2), 859–870 (1910).
2. Arthur, D. K.: The particulate food and the food resources of the larvae of three pelagic fishes, especially the Pacific sardine, Sardinops caerulea (Girard). Ph.D. Thesis, 231 pp. University of California, Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. 1956.
3. Bardach, J. E.: The status and potential of aquaculture, particularly fish culture. Vol. 2, Pt 3 Fish culture, 225 pp. Springfield, Va.: Clearing House for Federal Scientific and Technical Information 1968. (Pages 22–29 of this work describe the rearing experiments of G. O. Schumann).
4. Berner, L.: The food of the larvae of the northern anchovy, Engraulis mordax. Bull. inter-Am. trop. Tuna Commn 4, 3–22 (1959).
5. Bhattacharyya, R. N.: The food and feeding habits of larval and post larval herring in the northern North Sea. Mar. Res. 1957 (3), 14 pp.