1. Y. W. Lee, T. P. Cheatham, and J. B. Wiesner, Proc. IRE,38, no. 10, 1165, 1950.
2. M. G. Serebryanikov and A. A. Pervozvanskii, The Development of Latent Periodicities [in Russian], izd. Nauka, Moscow, 1965.
3. M. R. Schroeder, Proc. IEEE,54, no. 5, 720, 1966.
4. M. D. Genkin, collection: Modern Methods of Estimating the Quality and Increasing the Accuracy of Gear Train Manufacture [in Russian], Mashgiz, 1962.
5. C. M. Harris, Handbook of Noise Control, McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York, Toronto, London, 1957.