1. Alkhazov G (Алхазов Г) (2017) На службе отечеству. In Russian. („Na sluzhbe otechestvu“, „In the service of the fatherland“). Изд-во НИЦ „Курчатовский институт” – ПИЯФ (Publishing house of the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics, Гатчина (Gatchina)
2. Ref. 1 page 58
3. Полное Собранiе Сочиненiй И. А. Гончарова. In Russian. (Collected writings of I. A. Goncharov) том 1-ый, Санктпетербургъ 1887, в типографiи Глазунова. Казанская No 8 (vol 1, Saint Peterburg 1887, Glazunov Printer, Kazanskiy Street No 8)
4. Curriculum vitae, kept in the archive of Czech Technical University, Prague
5. Kauffman GB (1982) The life and work of Nikolai Semenovich Kurnakov. Platin Met Rev 26(3):129–133