1. A. S. Leikin, in: Strength and Dynamics of Aircraft Engines [in Russian], No. 1, Mashinostroenie, Moscow (1964).
2. L. Ya. Liberman and M. I. Peisikhis, Reference Book on Properties of Steels Used in Boiler-Turbine Engineering [in Russian], Mashgiz, Moscow-Leningrad (1958).
3. L. Ya. Liberman and M. I. Peisikhis, Properties of Steels and Alloys used in Boiler-Turbine Engineering [in Russian], Parts 1 and 2, TsKTl, Leningrad (1966).
4. Ch. G. Mustafin, Teploénergetika, No. 4 (1963).
5. Ch. G. Mustafin, Prikl. Mekhanika,3, No. 5 (1967).