Russia’s death penalty dilemmas


Barry Donald D.,Williams Eric J.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC



Reference89 articles.

1. Among English-language sources, see,e.g., Harold J. Berman,Justice in the USSR 418–19 (rev’d & enl’d ed. 1963); F.J.M. Feldbrugge,Soviet Criminal Law: General Part 203–05 (1964);

2. Robert Conquest,Justice and the Legal System in the USSR 80–82 (1968);

3. Will Adams,Capital Punishment in Imperial and Soviet Criminal Law, 18 Am. J. Comp. L. 575 (1970);

4. Sergei Voronitsyn,Capital Punishment in the USSR, Radio Liberty Res., Dec. 22, 1977; Ger P. van den Berg,The Soviet Union and the Death Penalty, Soviet Stud., Apr. 1983, at 154; R. Beermann,Capital Punishment, inEncyclopedia of Soviet Law 95 (F.J.M. Feldbrugge et al. eds., 2d rev’d ed. 1985).

5. Adams,supra note 1, at 576 n.11, asserts that in spite of Elizabeth’s ban, "brutal corporal punishment often constituted a disguised death sentence."See A.S. Mikhlin,Sposoby primeneniia smertnoi kazni: istoriia i sovremennost’, Gosudarstvo i Pravo [Gos. i Pravo], 1997, No. 1, at 72. According to Berman,supra note 1, at 418; and Adams,supra, at 575, earlier rulers, such as Vladimir Monomakh in the late eleventh or early twelfth century, also proclaimed death penalty bans. According to a recent Russian account, Boris Godunov vowed, on ascending the throne in 1958, that there would be no executions for five years. Vasilii Ustiuzhanin,Chas miloserdiia probil?, Dialog vo Imia Mira, Spravedlivosti i Progressa, 1997, No. 3, at 90.

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5. African human rights law;The Abolition of the Death Penalty in International Law;2002-09-05







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