1. T. Suzuki: EPRI report CS-2180(1984), p. 4.
2. H. Toda, H. Haneda, and A. Hizumi: Mitsubishi Power Systems Bulletin MBB-82113E.
3. S.B. Bennet:Proc. Amer. Power Conf., Chicago, IL, Apr. 27–29, vol. 41 (1981), p. 343.
4. A.F. Armour: Proc. Amer. Power Conf., Chicago, IL, Apr. 27–29, Vol. 41 (1981).
5. A.F. Armour, R.I. Jaffee, and R.D. Hottensite:Proc. Amer. Power Conf., Chicago, IL, Apr. 24–26, 1984.