1. Ancey MF, Bastenaire F, Boulin R, Chpiliotoff T, Feillolay A, Regnier L (1981) Rapport IRSID, RE 726 bis
2. ASTM (1980) Standard practice for conducting interlaboratory studies of methods for chemical analysis of metals E 173?80; see also E 177?71 and E 691?79
3. ISO (1978) Precision of test methods, determination of repeatability and reproducibility, p 5725
4. Koch OG, Koch-Dedic GA (1964) Handbuch der Spurenanalyse, 1. Aufl, Springer, Berlin Göttingen Heidelberg, S 718
5. Staats G (1979) Fresenius Z Anal Chem 295:260