1. Rose NR, Bona C: Defining criteria for autoimmune diseases. Immunol Today 1993, 14:426–430. Provides a considered approach to defining criteria by which a disease may be categorized as an autoimmune disease.
2. Silman AJ: Epidemiology of scleroderma. Ann Rheum Dis 1991, 50:4:887–893.
3. Epidemiology of the Rheumatic Diseases. Edited by Silman AJ, Hochberg MC. Oxford University Press, Oxford; 1993;192–219. A thorough review of the epidemiology of autoimmune (and nonautoimmune) rheumatic diseases, including the incidence and prevalence of diseases in women and in men.
4. Bianchi DW: Current knowledge about fetal blood cells in the maternal circulation. J Perinat Med 1998, 16:175–185.
5. Thomas MR, Williamson R, Craft I, et al.: Y chromosome sequence DNA amplified from peripheral blood of women in early pregnancy. Lancet 1994, 343:413–414.