Differential accumulation of metals in the lacustrine and fluvial Alpine bullheads (Cottus poecilopus) and recovery of fish from metal contamination after a flash flood


Janiga Marián,Janiga Martin,Pitoňáková TatianaORCID


AbstractThe spatiotemporal distribution and transport of mercury, zinc, molybdenum, rubidium, and strontium from alpine terrestrial ecosystems to alpine lake and mountain stream populations of Cottus poecilopus were investigated. Metals were measured for 66 wild fish collected from different lakes and Javorinka stream across. Mercury was measured in the pectoral fins, other elements in the skull. Bullheads contained more metals in the alpine lakes than in the mountain stream. In particular, mercury and zinc concentrations in lake bullheads were 6 and 2.5 times higher, respectively, than those of stream-dwelling fish. New data were generated on metal bioaccumulation in fish of understudied West Carpathian alpine lake environments. In July 2018, a major flood occurred in the area of the Javorinka. Already then, the mercury content in bullheads increased significantly. Bioaccumulation of mercury in fish occurred very quickly after the flood and was also significant in the following 2019. Then, the concentrations of mercury quickly decreased up to 70% in 2021–2022. Average concentrations of molybdenum and rubidium in bullheads in the stream rapidly declined in the year following the flood disturbance, but within less than 2 years, the metal levels stabilized at about the same level as in 2017 prior the flood. Strontium concentrations in fish dropped rapidly immediately after the flood, increased in the following years, and dropped again after 4 years, suggesting that many more factors are influencing strontium bioaccumulation in fish that are comparable in magnitude to the flood. The most serious warning seems to be the absence of biogenic zinc. The average concentration in the Alpine bullheads population in the stream has declined by 70% in less than 5 years and is steadily declining. An important result of this study is the demonstration that disturbance by a single factor (heavy rainfall and flooding) has a clear and timely effect on average metal concentrations in the fish population. Graphical abstract


Žilina University in Žilina


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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