Immobilized artificial membrane-chromatographic and computational descriptors in studies of soil-water partition of environmentally relevant compounds


Sobańska Anna W.ORCID


AbstractChromatographic retention factor log kIAM obtained from immobilized artificial membrane (IAM) HPLC with buffered, aqueous mobile phases and calculated molecular descriptors (molecular weight — log MW; molar volume — VM; polar surface area — PSA; total count of nitrogen and oxygen atoms -(N + O); count of freely rotable bonds — FRB; H-bond donor count — HD; H-bond acceptor count — HA; energy of the highest occupied molecular orbital — EHOMO; energy of the lowest unoccupied orbital — ELUMO; dipole moment — DM; polarizability — α) obtained for a group of 175 structurally unrelated compounds were tested in order to generate useful models of solutes’ soil-water partition coefficient normalized to organic carbon log Koc. It was established that log kIAM obtained in the conditions described in this study is not sufficient as a sole predictor of the soil-water partition coefficient. Simple, potentially useful models based on log kIAM and a selection of readily available, calculated descriptors and accounting for over 88% of total variability were generated using multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural networks (ANN). The models proposed in the study were tested on a group of 50 compounds with known experimental log Koc values by plotting the calculated vs. experimental values. There is a good close similarity between the calculated and experimental data for both MLR and ANN models for compounds from different chemical families (R2 ≥ 0.80, n = 50) which proves the models’ reliability.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Pollution,Environmental Chemistry,General Medicine







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