Dosage concentration and pulsing frequency affect the degradation efficiency in simulated bacterial polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-degrading cultures


Vogel Anjela L.ORCID,Thompson Katharine J.,Kleindienst Sara,Zarfl Christiane


AbstractA major source of anthropogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) inputs into marine environments are diffuse emissions which result in low PAH concentrations in the ocean water, posing a potential threat for the affected ecosystems. However, the remediation of low-dosage PAH contaminations through microbial processes remains largely unknown. Here, we developed a process-based numerical model to simulate batch cultures receiving repeated low-dosage naphthalene pulses compared to the conventionally used one-time high-dosage. Pulsing frequency as well as dosage concentration had a large impact on the degradation efficiency. After 10 days, 99.7%, 97.2%, 86.6%, or 83.5% of the 145 mg L−1 naphthalene was degraded when given as a one-time high-dosage or in 2, 5, or 10 repeated low-concentration dosages equally spaced throughout the experiment, respectively. If the simulation was altered, giving the system that received 10 pulses time to recover to 99.7%, pulsing patterns affected the degradation of naphthalene. When pulsing 10 days at once per day, naphthalene accumulated following each pulse and if the degradation was allowed to continue until the recovered state was reached, the incubation time was prolonged to 17 days with a generation time of 3.81 days. If a full recovery was conditional before the next pulse was added, the scenario elongated to 55 days and generation time increased to 14.15 days. This indicates that dissolution kinetics dominate biodegradation kinetics, and the biomass concentration of PAH-degrading bacteria alone is not a sufficient indicator for quantifying active biodegradation. Applying those findings to the environment, a one-time input of a high dosage is potentially degraded faster than repeated low-dosage PAH pollution and repeated low-dosage input could lead to PAH accumulation in vulnerable pristine environments. Further research on the overlooked field of chronic low-dosage PAH contamination is necessary.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Pollution,Environmental Chemistry,General Medicine

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