1. Armstrong, T.D. and B.I. Boyko. 1969. Treatment of potato processing wastes at Salada Foods Limited, Alliston. Proc 16th Ontario Industrial Waste Conf Niagara Falls, Ontario.
2. Dostal, K.A. 1969. Secondary treatment of potato processing wastes. EPA Water Pollution Control Research Series 12060 07/69.
3. Fossum, G. O., A.M. Cooley, and G.D. Wahl. 1964. Stabilization ponds receiving potato wastes with domestic sewage. Proc 19th Industrial Waste Conf Purdue Univ West Lafayette, Indiana, p. 96–111.
4. R.T. French Company 1970. Aerobic secondary treatment of potato processing wastes. EPA Water Pollution Control Research Series, 12060 04/70.