1. ENVI Image processing software, Research Systems Inc. 4990 Pearl East Circle, Boulder, Colorado 80301. ENVI website: http://www.rsinc.com/envi/
2. ERDAS image processing software http://www.site- software.bham.ac.uk/software /erdas.asp.
3. Koch, A. and Heipk, C. (2001). Quality Assessment of Digital Terrain Models of the SRTM, proceedings of IGARSS-2001, Sydney, Australia, July 9–13, 2001.
4. Rao, K.S. and Rao, Y.S. (2001). Field experiments synchronous with SRTM flights, Proceedings of IGARSS-2001, Sydney, Australia. Special Session on SRTM.
5. Rao, K.S., Jyoti Sakalley, Rao, Y. S., Kannan, J. and Pani, B.S. (2001). Study of Bhuj earthquake - A Remote sensing approach, Proceedings of the workshop on recent earthquakes of Chamoli and Bhuj,1: 217- 224.