1. G.L. Bennett, James J. Lombardo, R.J. Hemler and J.R. Peterson, “The General-Purpose Heat Source Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator: Power for the Galileo and Ulysses Missions,” 21st Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Proceedings (Washington, D.C.: ACS, 1986), pp. 1999–2011.
2. R.E. English, “Speculations on Future Opportunities to Evolve Brayton Powerplants Aboard the Space Station,” Space Nuclear Power Systems, vol. 6 (Malabar, FL: Orbit Book Company, 1988), pp. 41–52.
3. J.G. Slaby, “1988 Overview of Free-Piston Stirling Technology for Space Power at the NASA Lewis Research Center,” presented at the 4th International Conference of Stirling Engines, Tokyo, Japan, 7–10 November 1988; report NASA TM 100795 (Cleveland, OH: NASA Lewis Research Center, 1989).
4. H.S. Bloomfield, “Nuclear Power Technology Requirements for NASA Exploration Missions,” 23rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Proceedings (New York: AIChE, 1990).
5. T.E. Tietz and J.W. Wilson, Behavior and Properties of Refractory Metals (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1965), pp. 377–409.