1. W. Konig, D. F. Dauw, G. Levy andU. Panten,Ann. CIRP 37 (1988) 623.
2. L. F. Green, MSc thesis, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (1978).
3. A. J. Ajmal, MSc thesis, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (1981).
4. C. F. Noble, A. J. Ajmal andA. J. Green, in International Symposium of Electro-machining, ISEM-7, Birmingham, 12?14 April 1983 (IFS/North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1983) p. 305.
5. W. S. Ricci, W. R. Blumenthal andH. A. skeele, US Army Materials Technology Laboratory, Report AD-A186 989/0/GAR (September 1987).