1. M. Barnes, “Covert Range Gated Wall Penetrating Motions Sensor Provides Benefits for Surveillance and Forced Entries,” Presentation at 1999 ONDCP International Technology Symposium, Washington, D.C., March 1999.
2. A. Petroff, “Time Modulated UltraWideband Performance on a Chip,” Presentation at UWB Conference, Washington, DC, September 1999.
3. D. Rowe, B. Pollack, J. Pulver, W. Chon, P. Jett, L. Fullerton, and L. Larson, 1999, “A Si/SiGe HBT Timing Generator IC for High-Bandwidth Impulse Radio Applications,” Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Diego, CA, May, 1999.
4. D. Dickson and P. Jett, “An Application Specific Integrated Circuit Implementation of a Multiple Correlator for UWB Radio Applications,” S38P6, IEEE MILCOM 1999, Atlantic City, NJ, November 1999.
5. P. Withington, R. Reinhardt, and R. Stanley, “Preliminary Results of an Ultra-Wideband (Impulse) Scanning Receiver,” S38P3, IEEE MILCOM 1999, Atlantic City, NJ, November 1999.