1. L. G. Bouma, Nancy Griffeth, and Kristofer Kimbler. Special issue: Feature interactions in telecommunications systems. Comp. Networks 32(4) (April 2000).
2. Muffy Calder and Evan Magill, editors. “Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems VI”. IOS Press, Amsterdam (May 2000).
3. Kristofer Kimbler and L. G. Bouma, editors. ‘Feature Interactions in Telecommunications and Software Systems V”. IOS Press, Amsterdam (September 1998).
4. Jan Bredereke. Families of formal requirements in telephone switching. In Calder and Magill [2], pages 257–273.
5. Jan Bredereke. “Communication Systems Design With Estelle-On Style, Efficiency, and Analysis”. PhD thesis, University of Kaiserslautern, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany (August 1997).