Rawlings R. M.,Miskimins S.
Reference3 articles.
1. Jones, B.G., Development for Space Use of BAe’s Improved Single-Stage Stirling Cycle Cooler for Applications in the Range 50–80K,” Cryocoolers 8, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, 1995, pp. 1–11.
2. Nast, T.C.,, “Design, Performance, and Testing of the Lockheed-Developed Mechanical Cryocooler,” Cryocoolers 8, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, 1995, pp. 55–67.
3. Rawlings, R.M., Granger, C.E., and Hinrichs, G.W., “Linear Drive Stirling Cryocoolers: Qualification and Life Testing Results”, Cryocoolers 8, Plenum Publishing Corp., New York, 1995, pp. 121–127.