1. N. S. Choudhury, H. C. Graham, and J. W. Hinze,Properties of High Temperature Alloys with Emphasis on Environmental Effects (Electrochemical Society, Inc., 1976), p. 668.
2. N. S. Choudhury, H. C. Graham, and J. W. Hinze,Proceedings of the Symposium on Properties of High Temperature Alloys (Electrochemical Society, Princeton, New Jersey, 1977), p. 668.
3. M. G. Mendiratta and N. S. Choudhury, Technical Report AFML-TR-78-112 (Air Force Materials Laboratory, WPAFB, Ohio, August 1978).
4. I. G. Wright, R. A. Wood, and M. S. Seltzer,Environmental Protection of Titanium Alloys at High Temperatures (Battelle Columbus Laboratories, NASA Report CR 134681, July 1984).
5. S. C. Kung and R. A. Rapp,J. Electrochem. Soc,135, 731 (1988).