1. For the sake of simplicity, the 1-oxy-substituted lithium compounds such as 2 are drawn in a simplified form although it is known that the C-Li-bond has only a small covalent portion (if at all) and a high tendency for the formation of dimers or tetramers exists. Furthermore, the lithium cation is coordinatively saturated by Lewis-basic ligands; see: Lambert C, Schleyer PvR (1993) Carbanionen-polare Organometall-Verbindungen. In: Hanack M (ed) Houben-Weyl, Carbanionen, vol. E 19 d, 4th edn. Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart, p 1
2. Still WC, Sreekumar C (1980) J Am Chem Soc 102:1201
3. Jephcote VJ, Pratt AJ, Thomas EJ (1989) J Chem Soc Perkin Trans 1 1529
4. Evans DA, Andrews GC, Buckwalter B (1974) J Am Chem Soc 96:5560
5. Ahlbrecht H, Beyer U (1999) Synthesis 365