1. G. Bittencourt. In the quest of the missing link. In Proceedings of IJCAI 15, Nagoya, Japan, August 23–29, pages 310–315. Morgan Kaufmann (ISBN 1-55860-480-4), 1997.
2. A. Burns and A. Wellings. Real-Time Systems and Programming Languages. Addison-Wesley, 1997. Secound Edition.
3. A. L. da Costa and G. Bittencourt. Dynamic social knowledge: A cooperation strategie for cognitive multi-agent systems. Third International Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (ICMAS’98), pages 415–416, Paris, France, July 2–7 1998. IEEE Computer Society.
4. A. L. da Costa and G. Bittencourt. From a concurrent architecture to a concurrent autonomous agents architecture. IJCAI’99, Third International Workshop in RoboCup, pages 85–90, Sweden, Stockholm, July 31–August 1999. IJCAI Press.
5. A. L. da Costa and G. Bittencourt. Dynamic social knowledge: A comparative evaluation. Intenational Join Conference IBREAMIA’2000 / SBIA’2000., pages 176–185, Brazil, Atibaia-SP, November 19–22 2000. Spring-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Artificial Inteligence, vol. 1952-Best Paper Track Award.