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2. A. Bergeron and S. Hamel, Cascade Decompositions are Bit-Vector Algorithms, http://www.lacim.uqam.ca/~anne .
3. K. Krohn and J. L. Rhodes, Algebraic Theory of machines, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 116, (1965), 450–464.
4. O. Maler and A. Pnueli, Tight Bounds on the Complexity of Cascaded Decomposition Theorem, 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science IEEE, volume II, (1990), 672–682.
5. O. Maler and A. Pnueli, On the Cascaded Decomposition of Automata, its Complexity and its Application to Logic, unpublished manuscript available at http://www-verimag.imag.fr/PEOPLE/maler/uabst.html , (1994), 48 pages.