1. J. F. RYDER, ?Applications of fibre cement? RILEM Symposium, London, September, 1975 (The Construction Press, Lancaster, 1975) pp. 23?35.
2. R. B. L. SMITH and D. G. SWIFT, International Conference on Materials and Construction for Developing Countries (A.I.T., Bangkok, 1978).
3. S. M. MUTULI, MSc thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya (1979).
4. C. C. CHAMIS, ?Composite Materials?, Vol 6, edited by E. P. Pluedde (Academic Press, New York and London, 1974) pp. 43?55.
5. J. AVESTON, G. A. COOPER and A. KELLY, in Proceedings of the Conference on the Properties of Fibre Composites, November, 1971 (IPC Science and Technology Press, Guildford, 1971) pp. 15?26.