1. Auber P. 1834. China an Outline of its Government, Laws and Policy; and of the British and Foreign Embassies To, and Intercourse With, That Empire, p. 167–173. Parbury, Allen, London.
2. Bonner, J.C. 1964. A History of Georgia Agriculture 1732–1860. p. 25. Univ. Georgia Press, Athens, GA.
3. Bowen, S. 1767. Gentleman’s Mag. 37: 253.
4. Brigham, C.S. 1947. History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690–1820. Vol. 1: 122–131. Amer. Antiquarian Soc., Worcester, MA.
5. Candler, A.D. 1907. The Colonial Records of the State of Georgia. Vol. IX: p. 474–475. The Franklin-Turner Co., Atlanta, GA.